* We are afraid of Covid-19, but don't stop, move on, food must be available and people must not have problems with food.

Service and Information

BBPP Batangkaluku


Berikut daftar pegawai wajib LHKPN/LHKASN :

Daftar pegawai LHKPN 2020

Berikut daftar tanda penerima LHKPN

Daftar tanda terima LHKPN 2020

Daftar tanda terima LHKPN 2021

No. Officer Name NIP Rank / Class Position
1 Dr. Sabir, S.Pt., M.Si - IV.B Kepala Balai
2 Rosdiana Mahmud, S.Ip., MM - IV.A Kepala Bagian Umum
3 Fitriani, S.Tp., M.Sc - IV.A Koordinator Program dan Evaluasi
4 Andi Amal Hayat Makmur, SP., M.Si - III.D Koordinator Penyelenggaraan Pelatihan